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Undergraduate Options

B.A. Criminal Justice
获得所需的执法和人类服务职业所需的实践培训,获得东中央大学在线刑事司法文学学士学位. Developed for the next generation of law enforcement and human services leaders, this bachelor’s degree examines relevant, real-world issues to help you build a strong understanding of what it takes to lead successfully.

B.A. in Human Services Counseling
通过东中央大学在线人文服务咨询学士学位课程,了解如何改变他人的生活,该课程专注于咨询和康复. 这个实用的项目是俄克拉何马州唯一的同类项目,提供沟通技巧和心理专业知识,以改善那些与身体或精神疾病作斗争的人的生活, drug or alcohol abuse and unemployment.

B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies
通过东中央大学在线跨学科研究文学学士课程定制您的未来. 无论你是一名努力获得职业发展所需的学术证书的转学生,还是怀着一定的目标开始大学生活, this program will give you the freedom to study topics that are relevant to your career field.

B.A. Native American Studies
East Central University’s online B.A. 《新葡京》提供了从一系列背景和角度对当代美国原住民社区的文化和问题的深刻见解. It features interdisciplinary coursework, a real-world internship and partnerships with the local Choctaw and Chickasaw nations.

B.A. of Social Work
为成功的职业生涯做好准备,成为一名多面手社会工作专业人士,并获得东中部大学的在线社会工作学士学位. Graduates of the online social work degree program are qualified to work with individuals, families, 在人类和社会服务职位的团体和组织或在硕士水平继续学习.

B.S. in Computer Science
探索一个不断发展的行业的基本主题,并为您想要的技术职业发展竞争优势与东中央大学在线计算机科学学士学位. 使用计算机协会(ACM)发布的指导方针设计课程。, the program offers hands-on experience working with the tools of the trade. As a student, 在培养计算机编程技能的同时,您将为各种需求的计算机科学职业做好准备, software development, data analysis, and more.

B.S. Kinesiology
在一个快速发展的领域开始一个有价值的职业生涯,从东中部大学在线获得运动机能学学士学位. Ideal for working health and wellness professionals who are ready for the next step in their careers, this program provides the knowledge and skills it takes to impact positive change.

B.S. Psychology - Behavioral Health
将你帮助他人的热情转化为在一个不断发展的领域中有回报的职业.S. in Psychology – Behavioral Health program from East Central University Online. Through a fully online curriculum founded on innovation, 这个在线心理学学位提供了你所需要的技能来理解人类行为的动态,并在促进人类福利的职业中取得成功.

Graduate Options

Post Master's Certificate - School Superintendent
东中部大学在线学校负责人证书课程旨在为教育专业人士在地区领导方面的成功职业做好准备. 这个硕士后证书的特点是与作为学校系统的首席管理员的工作要求和挑战相关的实践课程. Unlike some online superintendent certification programs, instructors for this certificate are all working superintendents, so you can be confident you’re earning a valuable credential for continued workplace success.

M. Ed. In Educational Leadership
将您的教学技能和领导专业知识与东部中央大学在线教育领导硕士课程相结合. Designed with working teachers in mind, 这个项目提供了一个高质量的学习经验,灵活的课程选择,你需要平衡你的教育和你的全职责任.

M. Ed. Library Media
东中央大学在线图书馆媒体教育硕士课程拓展您的专业潜力,改变您的教学生涯. In accordance with state and national professional standards and guidelines, 该课程帮助学生准备俄克拉何马州学科领域测试(OSAT),以获得学校图书馆媒体专家的认证.

M.A. Criminal Justice Administration
刑事司法管理硕士学位支持对刑事司法机构和组织的行政和管理的理解. 刑事司法管理学位培养学生成为刑事司法领域的领导者和管理者,包括:城市警察部门, sheriff’s offices, state departments of correction, federal law enforcement agencies, and private sector agencies. Specifically, this degree will prepare students for roles as police chiefs, assistant or deputy chiefs, sheriffs, undersheriffs, wardens, deputy wardens, and chief agents of law enforcement entities.

M. Ed. In Special Education

M. Ed. Sports Administration
从东中部大学在线体育管理教育硕士课程开始下一步你想要的职业. 符合美国国家体育运动协会(NASPE)和北美体育管理协会(NASSM)的标准, this online program delivers the skills you need to succeed as a leader in sports administration.

M.S. Water Resource Policy and Management
发展技能,服务于东中央大学在线水资源政策与管理理学硕士学位的基本目的. 创建以支持日益复杂的水问题面临的社区在国家和世界各地, this online program prepares professionals to promote positive change in the field of water science.

See what the prestigious Quality Matters organization has to say in this September 2019 article: "ECU Tigers Attack Course Design Through Internal Reviews".